Today, we're going to delve deep into a topic that often hides in the shadows of our self-awareness: the beliefs that hold us back, the invisible chains that we unknowingly create for ourselves. These beliefs whisper that we should play it safe, stay small, and that our dreams are too grand to fit into reality - who do we think we are?
Challenging these beliefs isn't just about positive thinking; it's about reshaping your entire worldview about being a woman and how you show up every day. It’s about having courage and boldly questioning the foundation of the self-image you have built for yourself - and what you believe is possible for you. This is powerful inner work and has been the catalyst of some of the biggest changes in my life.
So, how do we begin to challenge these thoughts and beliefs? Here are 5 ways to get you started:
Identify the belief: Start by pinpointing exactly what it is that you believe about yourself that's keeping you from soaring and connecting with your feminine power. If you get stuck here, start looking for clues – where do you struggle the most in your life? Is there a pattern that seems to keep recurring? Maybe it's a thought like "I'm not good enough" or "I don't deserve success." It could have come from past experiences, societal conditioning around what a woman should be for example, or even off-hand comments that stuck with you. Write these beliefs down. See them for what they are: words, not truths.
Question their origin: With each limiting belief you’ve listed, ask yourself: "Where did this come from?" Was it from a parent's well-meaning but misguided caution? An offhand comment from someone you looked up to, or a situation that you may have given a specific meaning to (they did or said this…which must mean this…)? Understand that these beliefs are often not your own but borrowed from others at a vulnerable time, and they would have had their own fears too!
Gather evidence: For every belief that tells you "can't," "shouldn't," or "won't," seek out proof that contradicts it. This could be personal achievements (big or small) that demonstrate your capabilities or examples of other women who've defied similar beliefs. Build an arsenal of evidence that you are more than those inner negative whispers claim you to be – know that you are enough and that whatever you desire or wish to be IS possible for you.
Affirm your power: Create affirmations that directly challenge your limiting beliefs. For the thought "I'm not good enough," counter it with "I am capable and worthy of what I desire and who I want to be." Repeat these affirmations. Let them be your mantras. Say them out loud, write them down, let them echo in your heart and mind. ‘I am enough’ is a powerful affirmation to start making inner shifts – look into a mirror and say this every day.
Take small, bold steps: Set yourself small challenges that go against the grain of your limiting beliefs. What one thing will move you closer to what you want or the life you want to live? What will give you the confidence to keep going even if it's just a small victory? With each step, you're not just moving towards your goal – you're dismantling the foundation of your limiting beliefs.
Remember that you are the creator of your destiny. You can make the choice today to not be defined by the beliefs that you may have picked up in your early years or through key life events. You always have a choice to create the life you truly want, if you dare yourself to believe it!
Feeling inspired to challenge those deep-seated beliefs?
If you want to dive deeper into understanding where your mindset might be working against you, tame that inner critic, and get you on your path to where you want to be, get in touch today.
Every step you take towards understanding why you do what you do, and how to change that inner programming, is a step towards a more confident you. If you feel you could benefit from some guidance on this journey, I'm here to help. Book a FREE discovery call here