As we see out the end of 2023, for me this past year has had some really big highs, a few lows and let's just say some really big lessons around the importance of boundaries too. So while I am really grateful and have lots to appreciate from this past year, I’m also glad to see it end! How about you? What kind of year did you have?
🚀 It’s been a great year for Intuitive Living, firstly I am proud to announce that we have been rated as one of the top 3 ‘Best Hypnotherapy in Solihull’ in 2023 by Three Best Rated® (UK), for providing consistent high-quality service in our area of business!
📙 I also launched the Free Member Resources area this year for clients, if you are a subscriber you will already have access but you will now find 2 more free guides and workbooks to download – ‘How to Break the Cycle of Negative Thinking’ (transform the way you speak to yourself, and stop the self-sabotage) and the ‘Self Esteem Building Worksheet’ Enjoy! (if you are not a member you can get access by subscribing to the Intuitive Living newsletter here)
✨As the New Year approaches, what is your 2024 looking like? Have you written down your intentions yet? I am currently in the process of completing my 2024 Plan, which includes a review of 2023, and key intentions and goals for 2024.
So I thought I'd share with you the structure questions of my plan if you haven't already started working on them. One key learning for me in 2023 was to open up to more support and not feel as if I have to do it all by myself, trusting that I am on my path of purpose (I like to be in control, sometimes too much!) And I also learned how to be way more patient during all the changes in my life. It doesn't always come easy to me but I am a working progress 😉
What were your key learnings in 2023? And what do you want to create for 2024? The plan template below will help you put that blueprint together so that you know which direction you are heading in and why its important to you.
The 2023 Completion/2024 Plan Answer the following questions for the 2023 Completion part of your plan, with your learnings and insights from the year just completed. When you do this every year, you'll be able to look back on your intentions and goals for the previous year.
The 2023 Completion Questions (list as many as you want under each category – I have put some of my own examples to get you thinking)
What were your Top Lessons from 2023? Ex: Letting go of micro-controlling things, getting out of my own way, and opening up to more energy and creativity.
What were your Biggest Wins of 2023? Ex: Rated as one of the top 3 ‘Best Hypnotherapy in Solihull’ in 2023 by Three Best Rated® (UK) which attracted new clients and gave me great exposure. The lesson: You can be making an impact without even being aware – just keep showing up and providing value and a high standard of service and the rewards will come!
What were your Biggest Challenges of 2023? Ex: Dealing with the stress of trying to wear all the hats in my business; marketing, therapist, coach, accountant, technology expert, and more! The lesson: Create the time and space to do more of the necessary creative work for the next chapter of my business. Outsource the basic administration areas.
What are you Letting Go of from 2023? Ex: Letting go of the strong ‘pushing’ and ‘driving’ energy that leaves me feeling exhausted and drained. The lesson: Letting go of the belief that everything I create needs to be ‘absolutely perfect’ otherwise it won’t be well received, which makes me become the strict perfectionist (and takes the joy out of it!)
The 2024 Questions These questions all relate to how you want to grow yourself, what you want to create, and what you envision for yourself and those around you in the coming year.
What are your 'Themes' for 2024? Ex: ‘FREEDOM’ is my word and theme for 2024 – applies to all areas of my life. To speak up when it's important to me, to set boundaries, to change the hours I work, and who I want to work with. To expand my interests outside of work.
What is your Vision for 2024? Ex: Be a catalyst of growth and transformation for women (and for myself) by leading, inspiring, and empowering women to be their best selves.
What are the Personal Qualities you want to develop in 2024? Patience, Grounded presence, self love (prioritising self care)
What are your Top Personal Goals/Intentions for 2024? Ex: Commit to a workout routine that will help me feel better in my body, attend more meet up groups and feel more connected
What are your Top Professional Goals/Intentions for 2024? Ex: Launch my Women's Empowerment Coaching Programme, create my Women’s Empowerment Group/Sisterhood
✨Go ahead and grab your journal right now and let the thoughts, insights and ideas flow out of you. I hope this gets you more clear on what you've learned this year and need to let go of so you can fully embrace your vision, intentions and goals for 2024✨
Sending you all best wishes for a very Happy New Year...and a prosperous, joyous and inspiring 2024 🥂
#Goals2024 #PositiveMindset #SelfEmpowerment #selftalk #bethebestyou #positiveselftalk #uplevel #selfvalue #personaldevelopment #personalgrowth #selfreflection #selfdiscovery