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The illusion of perfection as a coach and therapist (and why that's not me)

Updated: May 8, 2024

With all the many perfectly curated posts that you see showing a coach or therapist who wants to appear to ‘have it all’ and living the perfect life, relationship, or career – there are also many others that are happy to speak to the truth of who they really are without fear of how much they are still learning and growing. In reality, we are really just a few steps ahead of where you are now. We never truly stop pushing past the edges of discomfort – it’s how we grow and evolve.

I fall into the ‘speaking the truth of who I am category’. The coach and therapist who isn’t perfect and does not have a life that has been neatly tied up in a bow to give off the air of ‘having it all together’ because that’s simply not true. Sometimes life is messy, harsh, and unpredictable, and can catch even the most ‘awake’ person off guard. Me included. This is life in all its glory whether we like it or not - and the journey resets for us all with every sunrise.


Learning from life

My own life experience has informed me that life doesn’t always shine like a new penny. When I hold the space for the women I serve, I hold it firmly with confidence and empathy having experienced forms of emotional, physical, and mental trauma as a young girl and into early adulthood. Weaving through all of those life experiences has been shame, fear, not belonging, rejection, toxic masculinity, lack of connection to the feminine, being too much, the Mother Wound, Sister Wound, fear of my intuitive and healing gifts to name but a few.

But through it all, the wounds have had key messages to teach me about who I think I am, who I thought I was back then and how I continue to show up in the world.

I heal each of those parts of me that surface for healing as and when they arise without judgement or rejection. At times, I might see the unhealed parts mirrored back to me in others, relationships and life situations, clearly showing me where I am afraid to do the work. So I step into the fire again and again to heal those places. This is my soul work - and it continues. What I have learnt, and mastered along the way, has become the medicine for the women who come to work with me.

Embracing change

I know that my life will continue to change and evolve even as I hold this space of coaching, therapy, and healing for other women, and I will no doubt face even more challenges as I move through this next chapter of my own womanhood as the ‘wise woman’. But through my own learning and the teachings I have received over the years, I have the tools and resources to make sure that if my feet are again put to the fire, I know I can move through it and trust that there is something I am required to learn from the experience. I also trust in the divine feminine wisdom within that is always guiding me, even when it feels deeply uncomfortable.

A journey together

I am a few steps ahead of you, not in any way perfect but with the deep experience and knowledge of holding this space for women as you go through your own ‘facing of the fire’ and making the changes you need to in your life. Clearing the way ahead, I will help you to finally shift what has been holding you back and getting in the way so you can live the life you want to with courage, faith and inner confidence.

Where are you feeling stuck in your life?

If you feel ready to make changes in your life but feel stuck, frustrated, and overwhelmed trying to identify what is getting in the way of living the life you want to, I’m here to guide and support you. Booking a discovery call with me is the first step towards moving through those challenges and getting you from where you are now - to where you want to be.

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