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Writer's pictureIntuitive Living

Let’s talk about the word Surrender.

Updated: Sep 19, 2023

To me, that word means giving up, giving away my power to something or someone else to determine my happiness or chart my life. Nope, not for me. Because it was important for me to be in control, because back then all I could count on was me. I could ALWAYS bet on me. I didn’t realise that this need to be in control was because I was filled with so much fear, anxiety, and stress.

Hidden fears: the subtle saboteurs I shut down the fears running in the background whilst I appeared to be ‘on top of it all’. I didn’t realise that by shutting down that truth, I was also shutting down a part of me that was trying to emerge. The part that required healing and to be seen. The woman I was becoming - I was going through a shift, the next stage of my growth.

The burnout from perfectionism In trying to control it all and holding on so tight in case something went wrong or not to plan, wasn’t perfect enough, good enough (major perfectionist) – it would eventually cause me to burn out. The feeling of disconnection caused me to doubt every decision I made, I didn’t know who I was or what I truly valued anymore.

A return to inner wisdom I couldn’t do my work; I had a sense of losing something. Because I had forgotten to listen to what my body and soul was trying to tell me – I had forgotten my own feminine power. I had to go back to basics, go within, and connect to the deepest part of me that waited quietly and patiently.

Embracing the power of surrender Something was trying to emerge and I was not allowing it, giving space to what needed to be seen so I could sit in this space of growth for a while. No pushing, no controlling. Just allowing. Surrendering.

Discovering unwavering support It was only when I finally surrendered to it all, allowing myself to feel the truth of it and releasing what needed to go - that I could see I am always supported. Even if I couldn’t feel it. I needed to surrender to something bigger than me that KNOWS what is for my highest good even if I am afraid that I will not be good enough. Even if I don’t know the way. That’s OK. I will be OK. The answers will come.

Surrender: a path to wisdom, not weakness To surrender is not to give up and is not a weakness. It is the wisest choice you will ever make when you have lost your way, or feeling disconnected. Trust that you have the answers and that you will be guided to your next steps or the support structure that you need, to find your way home again.

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